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Materials from Other Libraries

Two institutions with arrows between pointing both ways

Requesting a Book or an Article from Other Libraries

Interlibrary loan services are available to eligible MBL, SEA, USGS, WHOI, and WHRC patrons. Requests for books or documents may be made using the Interlibrary Loan Form. New users need to complete the Patron Profile. For more information, please see our Interlibrary Loan Policies and Procedures.

Electronic Delivery of Articles from Other Libraries

The Library offers remote access to your interlibrary loan documents. When we receive the article you requested, we send you an e-mail with an embedded link to the article for immediate access as well as instructions, if you so choose, on how to download the PDF from a web site. These added features allow you to read your interlibrary loan requests from anywhere in the world by logging into the Interlibrary Loan form and scrolling to the Review Requests Section of the form.

Interlibrary Loan to Other Libraries

Please note that we only do interlibrary loan to other libraries, not individuals. If you are an outside library interested in getting something from us via interlibrary loan, please see our Interlibrary Loan Borrowing Information.