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Valuing Our Library Researchers

It has been a quiet summer in the Library stacks, quiet in all of Woods Hole without the infusion of life and science which plays like a grand symphony each year. The Library has been a virtual operation this summer, staff working from home for the most part, with just one librarian a day in the office. This is part of a comprehensive plan to only have those people working on campus who must be on campus, following procedures and protocols which keep our community safe. Each Woods Hole institution has cooperated with each other and local, state and federal authorities on their Covid period plans. In the Library we have particularly missed our Library Researchers who rent stacks desks and offices. As we understand it, few of our seasonal desk renters made it to Woods Hole this summer. Whether writing a book, a paper, reading, conducting research, or chatting in the stacks, we have missed your presence and assisting you with your work. We are hopeful all will be here in 2021!

You may be interested in this compilation page MBL put together of some of our best virtual programming from this summer:  Some of you may remember WHOI scientist and landmark force in the development of Oceanography, Mary Sears. Last Spring WHOI Archivist Brett Frieburger wrote this excellent tribute to her:

May your research successes continue through the year. See you next summer!

Photo of MBL Lillie Library's rental desks

photo by Matt Person

blog post by Matt Person 09/10/2020