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Library Staff Attend ESIP Virtual Conference

The Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Federation is known for being innovative and tech-forward. This year, as the threat of Coronavirus loomed, the conference was converted to a fully virtual experience, which was attended by a record 500 attendees. The conference addressed many concerns in the field of in situ data volume, access, and quality, as well as data management education and coordination of FAIR data practices between journals, repositories, and users.

In July, Debbie Roth and Audrey Mickle attended the conference, alongside several WHOI representatives. The theme for the meeting was Putting Data to Work: Building Public-Private Partnerships to Increase Resilience & Enhance the Socioeconomic Value of Data.

Sessions centered around structured data on the web, data publishing workflows between stakeholders, data Interoperability, and dataset interoperability and discovery.

If you would like to learn more about the conference, check out the session notes and slides on Sched, or feel free to contact with questions. We highly recommend this conference to WHOI users. We are happy to talk about the experience.