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What is an ORCID ID?

An ORCID ID is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes each researcher across national boundaries and work places. It supports automated linkages between each researcher and their professional and research activities. ORCID IDs are free for individuals.

An ORCID ID is a 16-digit number randomly assigned by the ORCID registry and expressed as http uri:[#]

Why get an ORCID ID?

With an ORCID ID, all your work and research products (data sets, theses, peer reviewed articles, conference posters and presentations, etc.) can be linked to you!

ORCID IDs work with metrics tools that help measure your influence.

ORCID IDs are increasingly being used by funding agencies to simplify the application processes, track grant funded outputs (data sets, publications, patents, and other research products), and work with metrics tools that help measure the impact of those outputs.  ORCID IDs link with SciENcv, the Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae, the researcher profile system for all individuals who apply for, receive or are associated with research investments from federal agencies.

ORCID IDs are increasingly being used by publishers to identify authors, improve author search, and simplify the paper submission process.

Where to get an ORCID ID?

Get your ORCID ID today at

The process is quick, simple and free!

Use the tools provided to build your ORCID profile and add your research products, affiliations, awarded grants, etc.

Use your ORCID ID on your CV, in your email signature, web page, twitter profile, etc.

Need help getting your research products and publications into your ORCID profile, or have questions?  Contact the MBLWHOI Library: