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Book Borrowing


MBLWHOI Library books circulate in Woods Hole for the patron’s length of stay or one year, which ever is shorter. Journals and some special collections do not circulate.

Library Cards

Patrons must hold a valid MBLWHOI Access Card to borrow materials. Cards are obtained at the Swope front desk. Please call 508-289-7668.

Circulation Locations/Procedures

  • Lillie, 2nd floor Library lobby: 24/7 automated self check computer station.
  • Data Library & Archives: Staff-assisted circulation, 8-5 M-F.


We use email and automated systems to renew or recall materials. Links are found on our online catalog where you may check your library record


The MBLWHOI Library has access to over 800 volumes in pdf format

Browse for ebooks in our library catalog

  • Click on Keyword/Advanced Search tab
  • Search for: electronic book
  • then choose “as a phrase” from the pulldown menu

You can then refine your search by subject, title, keyword, author etc. using the second search box.


Additional titles are available by browsing the Elsevier ScienceDirect titles list.

Interlibrary Loan

Need a book we don’t have? Complete the Interlibrary Loan Form and we will get the item from another library.  Service can take a few days or longer depending on where the lending library is located.  For more information go to Interlibrary Loan

Course Reserves

Instructors and course assistants may place readings and other assignments on reserve in the Library for library use only. For course listings and locations please check the Course Reserves page