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Comprehensive Search Tool for Woods Hole Scientists to be Released in July

In the next few months the MBLWHOI Library will be implementing a more comprehensive searching system on our website


The central feature of the PRIMO system is a single main search box from which you will be able to search for anything: books, journals, article titles, author names, subjects, keywords and tags…the searching system is quite robust and if it doesn’t take you to a resource directly, inter library loan services and our library staff will.


Initial mock up of search page

Primo will make it easier to search because it reaches across our historic and cutting edge MBLWHOI Library collections, as well as through a global network of millions of records from hundreds of PRIMO library partners.  PRIMO will also help you more easily access resources you know we have. This new system will also introduce new workflows for how you place holds, renew, and check out books for your use.

While these changes are actually improvements, we recognize that as with every new system these changes can cause frustrations. The Library is developing a variety of resources and tools designed to make these improvements as seamless as possible. If you have any questions, please contact us.


Primo search results draw from local library records and a global community of library partners.

The Library staff has been training in a prescribed Primo implementation plan for six months, and through this pandemic period library data has been migrated to the new system. All staff have worked hard to learn this entirely new system, which significantly changes our day to day operations. Three library staff members have earned a master certification status in Primo.


While many things will change, your MBLWHOI Library ID access number (printed sideways on your ID card) will not change. We will be contacting you in the coming weeks through our campus news, listserv, and social media systems to let you know all about this exciting MBLWHOI Library service improvement.

Any questions, please email: