Libkey Delivers One-Click Access to Millions of PDF and HTML Articles
The Library now has a license to LibKey. We have set it up so that when you search in our catalog you can go directly to items we subscribe to or an open access version if available. LibKey Link delivers one-click access to millions of PDF and HTML articles from your favorite database such as…
Read MoreScholarly Communications Librarian John Furfey Moves On
Sixteen years ago, newlywed librarian John Furfey returned to his hometown of Falmouth and began a journey of leadership at the MBLWHOI Library which had him rewrite the system of service to Woods Hole scientists. His work emphasized applying cutting edge tools and services to help organize and communicate Woods Hole science to the world…
Read MoreOpen Access Week Zoom Events Planned for October
The MBLWHOI Library invites you to attend two ZOOM lunchtime Open Access programs on October 21st and October 28. Each week we will offer informative librarian presentations, followed by open discussions with attendees. The global OA Week theme for 2020 is “Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion.” Learn more about…
Read MoreValuing Our Library Researchers
It has been a quiet summer in the Library stacks, quiet in all of Woods Hole without the infusion of life and science which plays like a grand symphony each year. The Library has been a virtual operation this summer, staff working from home for the most part, with just one librarian a day in…
Read MoreUpdates to Free Access Databases
Many science literature publishers continue to extend to the MBLWHOI Library free access to their science literature resources, such as JSTOR, the MIcrobiology Society, and the Royal Society of London. Many more publishers and foundations continue to freely offer Covid-19 related literature, databases, and other resources to the public. Many of these are notable, particularly the Johns Hopkins University…
Read MoreLibrary Staff Attend ESIP Virtual Conference
The Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Federation is known for being innovative and tech-forward. This year, as the threat of Coronavirus loomed, the conference was converted to a fully virtual experience, which was attended by a record 500 attendees. The conference addressed many concerns in the field of in situ data volume, access, and quality,…
Read MoreResearch Where You Are – The New Primo Library Research Tool
The service-oriented budget minded MBLWHOI Library is always trying to figure out ways to better serve our scientists. Our 27 year old Voyager library system has served us well. It was a truely cutting edge library search and organizational tool when we first implemented it in the mid-1990’s. The MBLWHOI Library was a development partner…
Read MoreComprehensive Search Tool for Woods Hole Scientists to be Released in July
In the next few months the MBLWHOI Library will be implementing a more comprehensive searching system on our website mblwhoilibrary.org. The central feature of the PRIMO system is a single main search box from which you will be able to search for anything: books, journals, article titles, author names, subjects, keywords and tags…the searching system…
Read MoreRemote Access to Library Resources
Need Help? If you have any questions or difficulty accessing resources, please contact library@mbl.edu. Request Materials To request materials from other Libraries (including article PDFs), please use the resource request form here: http://ill.mblwhoilibrary.org/illiad/. Please bear in mind that given the situation, we may not be able to obtain materials from other Libraries. Unfortunately due to the current situation,…
Read MoreWHOAS Repository is FAIR and Core Trust Seal Certificated
The Woods Hole Open Access Server (WHOAS) repository was granted CoreTrustSeal certification on August 28, 2019. The WHOAS repository complies with the guidelines set by the CoreTrustSeal Board. We chose to go through this process to demonstrate our commitment to quality stewardship and to be a trusted option for our researchers facing funder and publisher…
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